How to Include Treats into a Healthy Lifestyle


Does anyone else wish they had as much self-control as Lea puppers when it comes to treats?

Here’s some tips to find more balance with treating yourself :)

  1. Give yourself some grace. It’s okay to treat yourself and you shouldn’t feel guilt or shame about it! Easier said than done, I know.. but the more we practice and remind ourselves, the more likely we are to change our mindset around it.

  2. Set a goal or some guidelines of how often you’ll treat yourself. For example, let yourself have that coffee shop treat that you love so much once or twice a week (or less/more depending on where you’re starting from). It gives you something to look forward to and therefore at least a little easier to say no to other temptations.

  3. Habit stack! Have a rule for yourself that you have to complete a healthy habit before indulging in your treat. Pick something that nourishes you, not something that you feel is a punishment. For example, “drink a cup of water before treat”, “once I have 1 cup of vegetables at my dinner”, or “stretch for 5 mins”.

  4. Drink some water first. Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger. Try having a small glass of water, waiting 5 minutes and see if you’re still experiencing the craving.

  5. Find an accountability partner! Having someone that you can share your challenges with and/or set goals with makes you more likely to follow through. A friend, family member or a coach that you trust are all great examples of this!

I love hearing from my clients about how some of these tips have helped them in their own health journey. If you feel like you could use a hand with your nutrition goals, I’d love to help! Book in for a free intro meeting to discuss :)


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